Thursday, April 17, 2008

Can That Ticket

Henderson uses logos in his article to help express the logic that is present . His appeal to logic includes the fact that there are houses with trash piled high on the porch and the city is more worried that cans are back in their garages the day after pick-up day than the fact that some houses are abandoned and torched. Trash or abandoned buildings within public view look far, far worse than a trash can that is in public view. Also, when Henderson went to their house, he found that curbs were lined with trash cans TWO days after pick-up day. If a garbage can sitting on the curb deserves a ticket because it does not look pleasant, why are city workers trimming trees when the house located on the same property is abandoned and scorched? The Department of Environmental Affairs needs to get their act together and give tickets to people who actually deserve them, not someone who tends to their property and has been a loyal citizen for the last sixty years.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Saddam for President...??

Larry Elder's column compares conservatives and liberals to see which one is truely more open-minded. Elder expresses his point in trhe last sentence of his column: "Conservatives consider liberals well-intentioned, but misguided. Liberals consider conservatives not only wrong, but really, really bad people." This proves that conservatives are more open minded though liberals believe that they are.

Sixty percent of liberals gave George W. Bush and Dick Cheney a zero when they were asked to rate them on a scale of zero to one hundred. that means that six out of ten liberals would rather have had Saddam for president over Bush. Now who is foolish and closed-minded? Let those liberals who gave Bush a zero live under Saddam's rule for a while and see what rating they give to Bush then. it is a no-brainer that conservatives are more open minded and more cooperative than liberals.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

All About the Big Bucks!$!

What is going to happen when today's generation grows up? All that kids/teenagers worry about today is "Will I be rich, famous, or even both...maybe?" Not much focus is placed on character and the ability to work together. Sports, for an example, used to have the focus on building teamwork when now kids are trying to get through life playing sports.

This comic strip expresses the message not only with the words of the adult, but with the actions of the kid as well. The adult is using soccer as a way to build character and teamwork. The kid, who is showing off "his moves" while telling how he will be like David Beckham. He is focused on building his skill so that he can be so-called famous and can snag "big buck endorsements". The previous generations based their opportunities on the fact that it would improve their character and their lifestyle while today's generations see the same opportunities as a way to upgrade their lifestyle tremendously.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

MSU's Young Gun

Michigan State has played questionably in the last week. they scored a mere 36 points last weekend and squeaked out a win against the Ohio State Buckeyes Tuesday night. Freshman Kalin Lucas scored thirteen including three big buckets late.

Wojnowski's point is that MSU has a young freshman that knows how to play and has the ability to be a great player. But for MSU to win big games this year, they need to play better and more consistent.

If I were writing this column towards and audience consisting of 9th grade P.E. students, I would "dumb" the article down a bit. Wojo uses words like meld, doldrums and fret to express his point. Words like include, inactivity, and worry could be used to replace the words he uses to express his point to an older crowd. Wojnowski's writings are very basic and easy to read, but sometimes he throws in that technical word that cannot be understood.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

What is the true meaning of CHRISTmas?!?!?

This cartoons shows how many people have forgotten what Christmas is really all about. It's not about the presents or the Christmas shopping. The true meaning of Christmas is Christ. The customer is carrying nearly as many presents as she can, while keeping her Visa readily available. When she reads the quote during the show "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", she just thinks that it is a good quote, but she does not see the meaning behind the quote. The quote may not be aiming its point at the birth of Christ, but the quote can be applied during the Christmas season.

There are two obvious visual aids within this cartoon. The shopkeeper is holding his hands together like people do to show the symbol for money. I believe this shows that he knows that the quote contradicts the idea of the customer, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to rake in the money. He is in a business that needs money and he sees an opportunity to earn a little dough. The other symbol in this cartoon is the woman in general. She has a grin on her face that makes Christmas shopping seem fun, when really, it is a stressful hassle. She also is holding many presents and is wearing a sweater with a reindeer on it, showing that she has "holiday spirit" when, truly, Christmas spirit should be focused around the birth of Christ.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

"The Fifth Down"

Sean Taylor played the last down of his life eleven days ago. Unfortunately, his last down, was not one that was expected. He was shot when burglars entered his home, expecting him not to be there. I completely agree with the point that Jason Whitlock is trying to make. He claims that: “Black men are targets of black men. Period.” The statistics show that what he is saying is completely true. When you read his article, you might believe that he is being a tad bit racist, but when he is saying it, being a black man, it can only be regarded as the truth and the whole truth.

Jason Whitlock uses many parallelisms in his article. The one that stood out the most to me was the statement that he made about the fat man. "But it's no different than if you saw a fat man fall to the ground clutching his chest. You'd assume a heart attack, and you'd know, no matter the cause, the man needed to lose weight. Well, when shots are fired and a black man hits the pavement, there's every statistical reason to believe another black man pulled the trigger. That's not some negative, unfair stereotype. It's a reality we've been living with, tolerating and rationalizing for far too long." This parallels that when a fat man collapse, it is the automatic assumption that his heart that has failed. Just like when a black man is shot. It is safe to assume that it was another black man that shot him. It is a proven fact that fatter people are more prone to heart attacks than the average size person. Just like it is proven that black people are targets for other black people rather than Caucasian people.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

School Dance Article

School Dance Article

Betsy Hart's article is talking about how teenage dances have been out of control in the past years. Teenagers are teenagers and they will do at dances what they want to do. Dancing has changed over the years from conservative to very outgoing. School dances are a place where teenagers get to be around their friends and should be able to dance how they want to a certain extent. The problem is that when teenagers are punished for the way they are dancing, they want to dance that way again even more. Modern dancing is considered sexual behavior when it is really just a way of having fun.

Betsy Hart uses many rhetorical questions in her article. She asks "If the '$400 dress girl' had been sexually assaulted in the parking lot after the festivities because the dance wasn't a 'dud,' would her mom be happy, or suing the school? " This question emphasizes her point because it points out occurrances that could happen due to the lack of control during the dances. She is trying to show that the outrageous behavior within the dances could lead to major problems outside of the dance.