Thursday, December 13, 2007

What is the true meaning of CHRISTmas?!?!?

This cartoons shows how many people have forgotten what Christmas is really all about. It's not about the presents or the Christmas shopping. The true meaning of Christmas is Christ. The customer is carrying nearly as many presents as she can, while keeping her Visa readily available. When she reads the quote during the show "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", she just thinks that it is a good quote, but she does not see the meaning behind the quote. The quote may not be aiming its point at the birth of Christ, but the quote can be applied during the Christmas season.

There are two obvious visual aids within this cartoon. The shopkeeper is holding his hands together like people do to show the symbol for money. I believe this shows that he knows that the quote contradicts the idea of the customer, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to rake in the money. He is in a business that needs money and he sees an opportunity to earn a little dough. The other symbol in this cartoon is the woman in general. She has a grin on her face that makes Christmas shopping seem fun, when really, it is a stressful hassle. She also is holding many presents and is wearing a sweater with a reindeer on it, showing that she has "holiday spirit" when, truly, Christmas spirit should be focused around the birth of Christ.

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